Want to purchase 1 gram of ru58841 for acne testing


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I don't have hairloss, I am 23 and have acne like I was 15. Its been like this for as long as I can remember. The only thing that worked was accutane. However, I am reluctant to go on it at this age because is Accutane merely buys a person time until they clear up naturally, and since Im no longer going through puberty this problem could be sticking around for a while. Certain health problems are a factor as well. I have been on everything else with no success. The root of my problem is too much sebum, and it seems like ru58841 might be a good candidate. I would like to buy 1 gram to experiment with to see if it effectively reduces sebum. I would like to experiment with a 1-2.0% solution, so a gram should be enough for the experiment. I am up for discussion about this issue in terms of recommendations, or price negotiations. All I can say is, I would rather have a receding hairline than live with this embarrassment any longer. Let me list the things I have tried in the past. Accutane worked for less than a year, benzoyl peroxide helped a little, antibiotics don't work, topical retinoids sort of work on acne but take months to work and don't solve the sebum issue. Zinc didn't work, essential fat supplementation didn't work. I don't want to experiment with b5 because it seems irresponsible and unhealthy to be megadosing like that. Please, hopefully somebody will hear my plea. My email is Adam.j.goldstein@uconn.edu