Visited Derm yesterday.....treatment working!

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I don't really post here too much but I enjoy reading advice and encouragement people generally give to each other. My hairline has gone back quite a bit and also since last year i began having diffuse thinning all over. I have been using propecia for 7 months now, nizoral 2% for 4 months, and men's one-a-day vitamins. (Doctor has now advised me to use T-gel shampoo on nizoral off days to calm my seb derm.) Visited the derm yesterday, after walking into the room he commented on my hair looking fuller and thicker. He then told me he can see several small discolored hairs growing....."not as much as I had hoped for" but still successful. I have made another appointment at the year mark for propecia and he mentioned that he does expect to see the smaller discolored hairs to grow and become darker by then. To some of you this may not seem drastic but I am trying to be realistic. Propecia has stopped my hairloss(which makes me happy enough), thickened my hair some, and seems to be growing a little bit. Stick to your treatments and do them consistently, they do work.