very scared, should i get off finasteride? (Update, Horrible DHT)


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Re: very scared, should i get off finasteride? (Update with lab results)

sh*t, im lost. im waiting for my dht results and ill make a decision.


Re: very scared, should i get off finasteride? (Update with lab results)

You shouldn't be surprised that your DHT levels will be very low, because that's the target of Finasteride. I personally think that it's impossible with a drug like finasteride to not do any damage to your organism in the long run, even if you don't feel any sides.


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Well my DHT came back and guess what? ITS f*****g 10 ng/dl!!!!!!!! No wonder ive been such a pussy lately, mood swings, crooked penis.... Im gonna see an endocrinologist and get off this medication. What is the right course to quit this medicine?


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You can lower your estrogen levels with wheat bran. Take say 4 spoonfuls in a glass of water, twice a day. Also get some DIM, and eat alot of cruciferous veggies (cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli)


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Your DHT is low and you are angry? It was supposed to be're on finasteride.

What are you so shocked about?


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Im not angry at the drug, im angry at myself. Hopefully everything will go back to normal in a 6 month period. This drug works for some people, but i am obviously not one. it helped save my hair, but my body is not able to handle the change up.


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The whole point of finasteride is to lower your why are you freaking out about it? That's like eating fast food for a month and being shocked that you gained 10lbs.

Do you ACTUALLY have a problem, or are you just freaking out so much that you think you have an issue.


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Dude. The reason it helped your hair is because it lowered your DHT. finasteride is working as intended. Unless you're having bad side effects I would stay on it. You really wanna lose your hair?


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its been 3 days, i got morning wood and my mind feels clearer. Im studying for a medical school entry test so i can judge my mental capacity.
I spoke to my cousins yesterday, all three of them are surgeons. They all said they took for a bit and stopped because the systematic effects are too complex. it could also be due to the fact that neither of them had any gains.
IDK what im gonna do, i really dont want to lose my hair but my balls and estrogen dominance is more important. I might get some topical spironolactone and try it out.


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Propecia helps because it lowers the DHT- and free testosterone level drastically, in addition to increasing the estrogen level. It's a feminizing drug with some serious side effects in some cases, and you're wondering why people are freaking out?

In contrast to this, you have Merck's version; They claim that Propecia is a safe drug. DHT has no positive effects in men, and it's a magic pill which will save your hair.


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Good luck with the topical spironolactone. Haven't really read one success story that attributed it to spironolactone.

I'll ask it you REALLY think that you're having side effects, or are you just so obsessed with it that your mind is finding something to worry about? It is really quite possible that you're having placebo side effects just due to your constant and excessive worrying.

Just something to think about....


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its been almost two weeks now since i quit. I am much stronger at them gym with alot less fatigue. When i study i can concentrate for much longer periodes of time and my anxiety is almost completely gone. My morning errections are also back.
Im not sure, you maybe correct about the placebo effect. it may all be in my head, but as a biochemist research student i can assure you that messing with androgen levels in the body will always have some type of effect. wether its all in my head or not idk.
finasteride didnt bring all my hair back, nor did it stop my hairloss. it certainly slowe it down significantly tho and took away the tingling sensation in my scalp. Im gonna make my final decision in the next couple of days of wether i wanna get back on it or not.

I wanna thank everyone for their responses and comments.