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I hear people on here talking about "two week sheds" where they're dropping 30-40 hairs a day. I've been shedding hundreds of hairs a day for five months now. It's been the longest five months of my life.

I just got out of the shower. I can hardly even remember what it feels like to look at my hands, my comb, and the sink and not see them covered with hair. If a day ever comes when the shedding stops (and I still have hair to shed), I will run out of the shower doing cartwheels and cry tears of joy. Seriously.

&*$@ recessive gene skips 2+ generations to come and ravage my scalp and steal my self confidence. I hate it with every ounce of my being :evil:


Damn, this sucks, Ryan. Did you see doctor to make sure you are actually suffering from male pattern baldness? Might be something else from what you have written!