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Hey guys, man theres alot of you.
Straight to the point.
I was one of those guys in school with the cool black geled up curly hair.
never thought it would go.
Ive been noticing my hair receeding since i was about 17-18. Im 24 going on 25 now and the last 4-6 months have been the worst. Alot of my hair has fallen out, its ben all over my sink in the bathroom, all over my brushes, its terrifying! I thought maybe i was dying. The last 6 months have been very depressing.The hair on the topfront is really what looks bad. My hairline has been receeded in the corners for some years now, but now is really starting to go. the right front is thinning more than the left, wich makes it akward feeling. Ther are also no signs of balding men in my family. Only one was my grandpa on my mothers side. My father had a hairline down to his eyebrows. lol.
Also my scalp has beeen really dry and flaky.Could that have anything to do with it? Or could it be that i wear alot of hats?
I have anew girlfreind and i dont think shes seen me once without a hat. shes 19 and im worried if we last 5 years shes gonna look at me and just think i look old and go looking for some younger looking guy with lots of hair.

I shaved my head to make it not as noticable. but the hair line looks like crap. I never would have to shape it up when getting a hair cut, now i do.
I dont know anything about rogaine, or any of the prodcuts you guys have mentioned. I dont know if id wanna have to take a drug for the rest of my life.
Im seriously stressed over this though. Its been affecting me at home and at work and i jst dont know what to do. I went to my doctor and told him and he just brushed it off .telling me most men go bald, its a natural thing. not much you can do about it. (bastard).
Listen guys any suggestions, advice, comments would be appreciated.
this is a great site.


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Hey dude,

I guess you have to decide for yourself how important hair is. The way I see it is you only really get one chance to put up a fight, and thats when the loss as is still early. I realize you are worried about taking drugs your whole life or putting on minoxidil, but I think you owe it to yourself to take this issue seriously for a year which will definitely do some good, rather than do nothing and in 5 years try to grow her on slick bald areas and realize you made a huge mistake.

Maybe I'm naive, but I really think in this day and age hair loss can be a temporary thing. I will never have a perfect hairline and thick lush hair, but I do think my regimen will allow me to never walk in to a room and be remembered as the bald or balding guy. Again, my hair will not be the highlight of my appearance but it will not a significant detriment.

I propose you get on finasteride, minoxidil, nizoral and do your best for a year and see what happens. Even just knowing that you are doing something makes you feel a million times better. Perhaps you will be a particularly good responder...

I wish you the best with whatever you decide, its a shitty shitty situation we are in, but we do have some (even if minor) infleunce on it.


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Just one more thing.

Its natural for your doctor to tell you that its nothing and natural, but you know what its not natural to be losing your hair at 24, at least not by our society's criteria for appearance at that age.

Alot of people who are much older will tell you there are worse things in life, but I don't think you should ever feel guilty for worrying about this. I have had a life-threatening illness before my hairloss and you know what, I still am concerned and upset by my hair loss.

Having hair will not make or break your life, but I say really give yourself the best shot. Try not to think about it if you can, but don't get mad at yourself if you can't get it out of your head.

Hang in there bro and check back with your thoughts.