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Hey guys,

Quick update. I've been using Rogaine foam since late December of last year, as well as taking .5mg of Propecia and 1mg of MSM daily. Here is what's happening:

Before I started the treatment, my hair was beginning to look so thin that even Toppik wasn't helping me cover it up. When I'd come out of the bathroom after taking a shower, I'd put a hat on and wear it entire day when sitting in my room because I didn't want my dad to find out about my condition (he has full hair). It was so bad that I couldn't hide it no matter what I did.

Since I started my treatment, my hair grew like crazy and by late February/early March, I was actually able to go to school without a hat on, or without Toppik. I was able to shower, dry my hair and comb it and it looked thick. I didn't need to apply anything else. I hadn't been able to do that in almost a year. Very good results.

It's almost May now and I'm beginning to shed. My hair still looks thick, but I'm seeing hair on my fingers when I apply Rogaine and run the foam through my hair. I also lose some hair when I comb, maybe around 10-20.

I'm not exactly enjoying losing my hair which I just got back but I remember reading that shedding when using Propecia/Rogaine is normal, so I hope that is indeed a good sign. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude, but I admit I have been a little concerned about the fact that I'm shedding so late into my treatment, around month 5. I imagined it would've happened earlier than that but I guess we all respond different.

But anyway, so here is my update. I think this stuff really works great and I urge anybody that has been thinning not to be afraid, and just jump on Propecia and Rogaine, they do wonders. I'm experiencing no side effects, and I think that's the case with most people. Any questions let me know.


Established Member
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do you any before and after pictures? cuz yer situation sounds like mine but id still bet my hair's worse..ive also been on foam since dec and been on finasteride since nov..ive been buzzing my head and not really let it grow out,i have pictures and i know its gotten better,but still thin up top,i dont let the shed bother me too much cuz i understand its part of the process and ive honestly been shedding since month 2..it slowed down a bit into month 3..but for the last month or so..has been pretty bad up until a few days ago i noticed its not as many hairs

im just debating whether i should grow my hair out and i wonder how much all this stuff is going to help me grow,its done a decent job now but i dont think im going to get that much more out of it..but im gonna stick with treatments for awhile b4 anything..sorry for rambling


New Member
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Wow, exact same situation here. Exactly. Started Min in December of 2008 after a year on propecia and about 6 months on Nizoral. On the big 3 right now. Over the last week, noticed shedding. I tousled my hair pretty vigorously in the sink today and it was a disaster. Probably like 50 hairs fell out. I'm trying not to panic and hoping that the shed is temporary. My hair still looks pretty thick to the eye.

Are multiple sheds common with minoxidil? I shed during the first 2-3 months as expected. Then it tapered off significantly, as expected. Now it's starting up again.

What's the verdict here?