Two Finasteride Questions. Can Anyone Help Clarify?


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Hi folks. I appreciate all of the insight you all have provided over the months, and I have a couple of questions I would love to throw out for everyone.
1) does finasteride regrow hair “in reverse” for most of you that it has been successful for? Meaning, the most recent hair lost is the most recent hair recovered? I am now on month 8, and that is definitely the trend I have been seeing since month 3. Is that the experience you have had? Or has your hair recovered more uniformly in time?
2) I have read that finasteride can continue to show improvements upwards of two years if taken consistently. Can anyone explain this? It seems that the DHT being repressed would result in hair regrowth that occurs closer to six months or a year rather than two years.
Thank you all very much. It is helpful to understand what to expect.