Trump's Hair


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I know that it's real. He showed his hairline on Larry King. I just think he should cut it short or something. I never look at him, only at his hair. It seems to be in 'motion', according to Seinfeld. Even with all his money, he's got shitty hair. See, there is a God. :lol:


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yeah WTF this guy is worth 2 billion and his hair looks like sh*t. I think he is an a**h** as well, his ego is bigger than all the people on this board combined. I would like to lay the boots to his board director Carolyn though......She is pretty damn sexy. Judging from Trumps attitude he seems like the type of guy who couldnt get it up.


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yeah she could get naked and put on some thigh high black boots and walk all over my back as she yelled swear words at me. Oh sh*t I better calm down.......


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Agreed, that chick could ride me into the night anytime!

One time I saw a porno where the chick was on top of the guy, she slapped him across the face a few times. That girl's gotta have some 'issues!' It was really funny though, the guy looked all bewildered.

BTW, Trump will be hosting SNL tomorrow night. I wonder if he'll let them screw with his hair with wigs and stuff like they do with all other hosts. We shall see!


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I hate posts about celebrity hair. I never read them.

Ugh.....and here I am stepping over to the darkside.

I must say I have always been fascinated with that up, down, over wrap weave he has going. That thing must be 4 feet long. It starts on the side of his head in the middle right above his ear. Crazy.

The Gardener

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The internet filter here at the office is blocking out that link... It must be good stuff! Damn!


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this guy is so rich that he can get this whole community a hair transplant ! :D

but he doesnt even done agood one to himself :hairy:


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Here ya go Gardener. Great explanation of his combover.

Donald Trump has the largest combover in the history of modern man. Allegedly, he had a scalp reduction several years ago to get rid of a bald spot and currently tries to cover the thin parts of his hair by using the 'combover' technique. While it does work to hide the thin areas, it looks totally ridiculous. This guy would be dateless if he didn't have any cash.

One observer says,'Does it start at the back, swirl toward the right front and then hook left and the bushy brow and sweep left to the back again? Does it take four bottles of hair spray to keep it in
place? Does it hang to his knees when he's in the shower?'

Only the Donald knows.

Another states,'I have never seen Donald Trump with a good-looking hairstyle. He has always, always looked horrid. All the access to all the money in the world has done
nothing for him. He looks like a reject from auditions of the 1996 Farrelly Brother's film KINGPIN.'

The Gardener

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Thanks, Cassin... interesting. The engineering required on that hairstyle must rival anything in any of his high-rise developments. I mean, how much product must that guy use to keep that swirl in place? It must be a three hour morning for him?


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I was thinking about that. It must take quite some time. Does he do it himself? Does he have a "comb-over assistant?" Seriously, he must while he's reading his morning stock reports giggling in joy at his millions. Now, how much does this assistant get paid to do this and keep his/her mouth shut? 100k a year? What must the interview be like? HAH! ND agreement? Their must be one.