Treating Frontal Recession w/o finasteride/dutasteride?


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I just started a regimen almost 2 months ago of finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral/nioxin and have recently dropped finasteride due to the sexual sides that wouldn't let up. I realize that many of you say that they go away but after a month and a half of having zero libido and zero erections I decided it wasn't for me. Luckily was kind enough to send me a free 3.5 mo supply of topical finasteride to try instead.

So right now I am a NW2-2.5 and am using a regimen of the following -

AM 5% minoxidil
PM 5% xandrox
Afternoon - Topical finasteride ('s)
Shampoos - Nizoral (1%) and Nioxin
Supps - Multivitamin and Omega-3

Does anyone have any critiques of this regimen or suggestions? Will I be able to block enough DHT going this route? Should I give it a good 6 months to see where I'm at or should I go ahead and get the minoxidil 15%?


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Add 5% spironolactone cream - apply it about 15 minutes after the xandrox at night.