Topaz's Story - (55 / Thinning)


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I live in the uk and have had a degree of thinning since I was a teenager now 55 next week.
It started with a small patch but was noticed by then got thinner on the front and crown but disguised it to an extent though it did rule my life.
I could not see people unexpectedly,until I sorted my hair out going on holidays with friends was not so easy,because after a day sweating in the sun even now when my hat or scarf comes of (which I need to protect my hair) it would be stuck flat to my heads aghhh. then my regular hairdresser came up with a short style and because I have a natural kink did not have to blow dry ,could leave it dry naturally and looked not too bad.A hystectomy 1997 and it went downhill form there (not on hrt).
So now it is at its worse front and sides its the bain of my life.The only person I talk to about is my mum as they love you unconditionally.My hubby has never mad a comment he loves me warts and all ,none of my friends have either and they see it they cant miss it.
What I hate most is people who talk to you but there eyes are not on your face but on your hairline,I feel like saying yes im going bald but to my face is here,even people in the street can stare at you.
I cry alone at night and I am sure I am not on my own.I have just started minoxidyl but having concerns now about reading about hair loss due to that, why does that happen ? and why prescribe it.I may stop it as I am looking at a treatment that was on TV in the uk and there is a site but you need some hair to help it along so if I loose more and it does not grow back then that dream will be over.
I still feel like I have to plan my life around my hair loss,i dread looking in the mirror I try to dress nice put on make up then catch my reflection and think why bother you look awful crazy yes but thats the way it is.I would love to hear form anyone in the uk who are having similar problems.It is good to talk to others suffering the same problem.
Sorry to be so negative


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Re: topaz's story

is there anybody there ,there must be my story has been viewed over 60 times
topaz :lost:


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Re: topaz's story

I know exactly how you feel with regard to people looking and staring. I found that when my hair loss started to show. And even now that i have a wig, its kinda got round at work that i have it and people look and stare and are interested.

In my opinion, you should stick with minoxidyl as it has shown signs of improvement with me. I did experience a bit of more shedding in the beginning but then it stopped