Tone Da Bone's story - advice welcome!


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Hello all. First I'd like to say that I'm a long time lurker (around 5 years) and I'd like to thank you all for the wealth of info I've gathered and regimens I've implemented. You guys are great! I've never really felt the need to post or contribute but I truly feel that I've come to a fork in the road and I welcome your input and advice.

About Me: I'm a 31 y/o male. I don't really fit into the norwood scale. The best way I would describe myself would be a diffuse thinner all throughout the top of my head, and I am almost completely bald near the vertex (bald spot is actually off center, making it look very awkward). My hairline has not receded at all.

Regimen: The usual proven remedies on the forum - rogaine, propecia, nizoral (started minoxidil first about 4 years ago, added propecia & nizoral about 3 years ago) and although it may have slowed my balding, I have continued to lose hair, particularly at the vertex. I was experimenting with concealers (toppik, dermmatch) with success, but it got to the point where some of my coworkers were asking me what the hell was up with my hair.

I recently made the decision to say the hell with my hair and shave it all off. I happened to be moving across the country for the summer to take care of my sick mother, so I figured a few months in a place where I didn't know anybody would give my bald head time to grow on me, and I could come back home bald and beautiful. Well..... it turns out bald is not a good look for me. I have an odd shaped head and it just really looked awkward.

So right now I'm at a crossroads and I just really don't know what to do with my hair. I've always been VERY self conscious about it. I feel as if I've been living a lie between wearing concealer in my hair or always wearing hats. Nobody knows that I'm bald, so my friends and family would think it was very strange that I am just suddenly bald. Again, concealer is not really an option anymore as it started to become noticeable (how embarrassing) and a hair transplant is not financially feasible at this point in time.

I just recently got back home and I'm going to be starting a new job shortly (meaning no hats!). I'm currently letting my hair grow out (pics are taken today). One reason I don't want to just let it grow out and just deal with the bald vertex is that my bald spot isn't directly in the center as most people's bald spot is. I have a large bald spot on one side, and a smaller spot on the other. The actual vertex does have some hair. It looks strange, to say the least. I also didn't realize the extent of my diffuse thinning on top until I shaved my head. I use to spike my hair, so it wasn't that apparent, but now that I shaved my head the difference in thickness between the front and the sides is very noticeable. I know these things are hard to see in the pics, but trust me they are there.

I'm just freaking out right now about what I'm going to do and I figured it was time to post my story. Any help or advice you can give me is much appreciated!

