
The old battle plan:

Rogaine 5% min. 2 times daily on temples 3 by 2 inches. I'm now on 10th month and responding very well, right temple almost completely back to normal, left temple still thin/sparse, gets better weekly while still suffering sheds. 1/3 Proscar daily. I'm now on my 9th month. The diffused thinning has not improved and has continued on it's same velocity. I am still inconclusive on to whether I am responding. I am mildly shedding now.

The goal:

A full recovery to unoticable thining for 2 years past the completion of this goal (I am 22). I wouldn't care in the least to lose my hair after age 25, I think it can make a muture man look sophisticated. A man of this age should have obtained the muturity, confidence, and understanding of himself to be ready for something that can be extremely devastating to one's emotional security.

I just need my hair for a little longer and I won't take it for granted again. I feel though after a certain point, a return to unoticeable hairloss is impossible with the current treatments. I need to stop this BEFORE IT"S TOO LATE (it might be too late already)!!!!

The New Battle Plan:

Shave the head to improve moral and make it easier to apply treatments.

Dutasteride at 12th month of proscar (stop proscar). 2.0 mg for 1-2weeks slowly tapering to 0.5 mg after 1st month on dutasteride. Xandrox 15 % min (replacing rogaine). spironolactone for just a couple months along with a good shampoo (T-Gel) and a good multi-vitamin (mega men).


I will keep you all updated on my progress. Any side effects will not stop my use except not growing hair but I am not expecting any side effects.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


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sounds like a good plan. what are you on the norwood scale? i'm happy to hear someone is having success on the temples with minoxidil. i'm on month 2 of minoxidil and i feel like i've lost a bit of ground after initial success. hopefully its a shed. i would wait until about month 15 of proscar beforing moving on to dutasteride. ive read many instances of users having success between month 12 and 15.


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Paradise Lost said:
The old battle plan:

I wouldn't care in the least to lose my hair after age 25, I think it can make a muture man look sophisticated. A man of this age should have obtained the muturity, confidence, and understanding of himself to be ready for something that can be extremely devastating to one's emotional security.


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that quote is very stimulating to me cause i am 25 now and am starting to think that having the perfect hair is not the be all and end all of everything. lots of guy my age have less hair than me. girls are still interested in me and i still have enough hair to get by on...sorry to reign on your parade...but thanks for the up beat!


Currently I have cosmetically good coverage on the hairline that I "drew" with the rogaine applicator. I am like a hair artist. I am not on a norwwod scale but at month 2 of the min I was a 2-2.5ish. Even though I have full coverage the hair is still thin and when dry you can still see the scalp on temples a little. On my head the hair is just diffused and is only noticeable when I part my hair (I have 5-8 inch long hair).

It's weird, some days I think it is thicker and some days it looks worse.

I might wait until month 15 on proscar to switch but that might be too late.

I've decided if I can't make a good recovery, the treatments and stess is not worth all this effort. I am not going to do this bull sh*t everyday to hang on to slowly depleating scraps.


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Give 'em hell son and show that male pattern baldness who's boss.


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You grab that horseshoe and you kick his ***!!!! screw you horseshoe!


I've learned a lot this last 2-3 years of my turbulent life. I think it's time to get things squared away and learn from some different perspectives.

Even after I become successful, I'll stop all my treatments in a couple years and let myself go bald.

My lesson: You must except yourself before trying to change anything other wise the attempted change is nothing more than denial.

I AM BALDING, I AM OK, Paradise found!!!!!