Thinking about Donald Trump's hair.


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I'm new here and very happy to have found this forum, so expect a barrage of questions and comments from me. I've had plenty of time to wonder how things like this, with no one to really talk to.

Anyway, I have to mention Donald Trump. Here's a guy who clearly vain about his image. But he's also been self-deprecatingly joked about his hair-do and even discussed it in his own books and in interviews. He also is billionaire.

So, why hasn't he spent a little money and gotten a fantastic transplant. Or tried treatments? Surely he wouldn't be embarrassed about the sudden change from his current hair style to a good transplant, since he has already discussed it at length in public.

How are we to think or believe transplants/drug-treatments actually work when the richest and most vain people on Earth don't even bother with them?