The Very Best Way to Do the Front Hairline for Lace Systems


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My Regimen
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It used to always bug me how the salon would get a perfect glue line and I could never really replicate it back home and then thought of this technique and it's PERFECT every time.

1) Put lace down and trace out the limit with a SOFT eyeliner pencil. Make sure you are around 1/2 cm away from the actual edge.
2) Now take some blue tac. Roll it into a thin thread and proceed to stick it JUST in front of the line you just drew. Make sure it's in front so the glue doesn't get on the eyeliner marks.
3) Apply scalp protector
4) Apply glue
5) As SOON as you have applied the last layer of glue take the blue tac off and you will see a build up around the edge. Just brush it backwards (I use a small silicone brush) and you'll have a clean line.
6) Leave the eyeliner marks alone.
7) Once glue is tacky, then start with the front and use the eyeliner marks as a rough guide of where to put the very front and put the system in place just a few mm behind the glue line.
8) Do this with the sides, one at a time. Make sure you match the glue line with a few mm's. It should be easy to do if you have the right lighting.
When I put the front down the edges don't stick as force is required to press it to the glue so it's easy to do the edges after the front.
9) Lastly take a wetwipe and wipe off the eyeliner.

It's 100% perfect EVERY TIME!
