The Perfect Hairline will be an option: will you take it?


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Given that Hair Multiplication provides literally an endless supply of donor hair, transplant surgeons will have the option of giving everyone a youthful perfect hairline and a full head of hair for life. Given that, will you go for perfection in your appearance with the youthful hairline or will you opt for aging gracefully with the receded temples mature hairline?

I, for one, will go for the youthful hairline. Why not? A buddy of mine, who is 44, has the youthful hairline naturally and is often mistaken for being in his early 30s. I attribute a large amount of that to his thick full head of hair and low hairline. That's something I would enjoy in my 40s.


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Funny, i've actually already pondered this one and a mature receeded hairline for me. Looks better imo, on me anyway, especially since i have had a receeded hairline since i was 16


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I'd go with a youthful hairline as well for the same reason darkly posted. Makes you look younger.


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i'm gonna basically the hairline i have now, just a little bit lower (and I mean a LITTLE, just to add some youth... i think it will look more natural that way. screwing with the lowering of the hairline too much could give some results that "just don't look right" ya know what I mean? its like getting plastic surgery, somehow you just KNOW that someone had something done, you can't pinpoint it, you just know it doesn't look right. I could totally see this happening with HM, people trying to aggressively to get a 12 year old hairline. I'm going with moderation, my 20- year old hairline :)


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I always had a slight "widow's peak", even before this crap started. I think I'd probably go with slightly receded temples.

Thing is, if you go overboard on the first try and get a lot more hair than you realize looks good, you're going to have to put more money and time into getting it removed. I'm going to start by just getting back what I lost.

Having a second state-of-the-art procedure to get rid of the hair you got with the first state-of-the-art procedure would suck :)

Fallout Boy

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Im going to get my whole face / head covered with hair. Why? .... just because

the ladies dig hair


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Hell, after this battle with hair loss I think I'm going to have my hair line placed an inch above my eye brows and look like a porcupine, just kidding. I think a good goal for me would be a complete restoration of my high school hair line.


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Petchsky said:
Funny, i've actually already pondered this one and a mature receeded hairline for me. Looks better imo, on me anyway, especially since i have had a receeded hairline since i was 16

Same here. If I could keep my hairline where it's at right now at Norwood 1.6ish, and maybe just thicken it up a bit, I'd be happy. I don't want to look like a 13 year old, just a normal guy in his mid 20s. I think the guys with really low, straight hairlines are in the minority anyway. I was looking at pictures from my highschool graduation, and my hairline, although it was definitiely thicker, was not perfectly straight then. I've always had slightly "notched" temples.

The thing I'd most like to fix is the thinning I have throughout the top of my head. In certain lights, I can see a Norwood 5a pattern developing, which scares the crap out of me.


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Why not go Hollywood style and get it down to your eyebrows then have it laser removed little by little to make neat designs until you go back up to your original hairline.

No sersiously, since I have been receeding since I was 14 and have always kind of been between a NW1-2, in addition to nt original high forehead and hairline, I would love to see what its like for once to have a low, youthful hairline, if it looks silly after a while then I'd just pluck hairs to give me that aged to perfection look.


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I'm sticking with something that looks more natural.

I hate it when chicks, for example, get breast implants that are just way to big, and don't look natural at all. They over-do it. I am not going to do the same.

michael barry

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If they could give me a designer hairline, I'd opt for what I had at 18, which was about 3.5-4 fingersbreadths above my eyebrows or a little longer than my nose. My front widows peak is about there now, but temples have deserted me, and sides have snuck back a wee bit.

I dont want to be something I never was, I just miss what I had. I honestly believe this is the biggest mistake those who opt for plastic surgery do not contemplate-----they may be able to clip your nose effectively, but other than that someone is really taking a chance asking anyone to "change their face" and it sometimes winds up in disasters. Especially with cheek restructuring and chin implants. I think many men might make mistakes and end up looking like chimps and have to go in for electrolysis or laser removal. Guys, take a hard look at Brad Pitt or Colin Farrel, their widows peak (or just the area between their eyes) proboably isnt all that lower than ours, but our temple and sides have done a houdini on us. Its funny, but the amount of hair baring scalp that would literally fit into our palms MAKE ALL THE DIFFERENCE FOR A GUY"S APPEARANCE. Kinda like its Gods little joke on us.

If women went through this, male pattern baldness in their 20's and 30's, we wouldnt be hearing so much grief about "how western men are obssessed with baldness." I'd like to see how people who say this would react if their facial skin started aging so rapidly that they knew they were going to look like 80 year olds in about 5 years tellin' us all this. Men will be happier, more productive, participatory, friendly, effective citizens of their country when baldness is solved. The psychological happiness men will have will be extrodinary, never a bad day goin' without a hat in the wind and rain. I'll be friendlier than a puppy no matter what.


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A bit receded looks better in my opinion and not such a knob with a stupid obnoxious hairline. I look at these 20 year olds with the spiked hair with low hairline and it just looks silly and obnoxious to me. It looks more masculine to me to have it receded a bit.