The main charactor from The Office has plugs?


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Been watching The Office on NBC and the main character has a weird hair line. There is no hair between the hairline to themiddle of the head. Want to know if you seen the show and if so did you saw this from the guy? Dont have a image at this time but will add one if I found one.


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Steve Carell is the actor

Green Soap

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Poor Guy.

For me, it's either my regimen (which is working) bridged to cloning...or a very short trim!

No plugs (long term is a disaster!)



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that's diffuse thinning. i have that same type of loss. it's f*****g horrible losing tons of hair from the hairline everyday. i've lost about 75% of the density at the hairline in about six months. i suspect that stress/anxiety has played a significant role. i'd like to hear from others with similar experiences.


Why the hell did america have to remake the office? The remake is crap lol, just like the american remake of the ring movies. I dont see the point!?


Where is Gervais, where is Gareth, where is Dawn etc.


Havent seen it. I wonder how it compares to the brit version.


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Gunner said:
Where is Gervais, where is Gareth, where is Dawn etc.


Havent seen it. I wonder how it compares to the brit version.

I saw the first episode. It was pretty funny despite the fact that they used every joke from the original brit series word-for-word. I popped the original office into the DVD for a back-to-back comparison and it’s obvious that there’s no comparison. None of the characters are as endearing and Dwight (the American Gareth) is particularly disappointing.

It’s still an entertaining show, but it doesn’t compare.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the show: if you’re a fan of dry (cringe worthy, but excruciatingly funny) comedy, go out and get the BBC version of The Office on DVD



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Why did they make a remake when the Original, English version was a success in America anyway????? I refuse to download it.

The Fluke

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yeah, completely stupid, why remake it when it will never be as good as the original. can't americans watch anything that doesnt have americans in it?



That would cause lower ratings. Everyone would wonder why nobody is speaking american english in it. Sad but true!

The other factor is simple. The office is a show that is supposed to make fun of the workplace environment 90% of americans work in. If you have a bunch of british speaking people in it, they wont be able to draw as close of an association.


why? English is english, and we invented it. Don't fix what’s not broken!

Thinning Sucks

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pleasegodno said:
that's diffuse thinning. i have that same type of loss. it's f*****g horrible losing tons of hair from the hairline everyday. i've lost about 75% of the density at the hairline in about six months. i suspect that stress/anxiety has played a significant role. i'd like to hear from others with similar experiences.

Same sucks!!! Treatments not helping up front now!!


Admin said:
The office is a show that is supposed to make fun of the workplace environment 90% of americans work in. If you have a bunch of british speaking people in it, they wont be able to draw as close of an association.
Have you watched it? Watch it, and then make that comment--you'll have a harder time doing so.

This show is better than most of the shite on American TV, which doesn't know how to do comedy--sitcoms are simply dead and rotting; either laugh tracks remind us big brother is watching, or they simply copy what works in cartoons, which is ridiculous in live action (i.e., Scrubs). That said, this show is a poor rendition of the original. The boss--while funny--is somehow too likeable, if only because he seems like he's acting; you don't feel embarassed for him ever, because he's distanced from the situation through his character. He doesn't approach the repulsiveness of Ricky Gervais, personally or physcially. They made the Tim character a perfect-looking jock, thus letting the audience not give a sh*t whether he hooks up with the girl. And the girl seems like every cold, mean-spirited soash you ever knew in highschool, just less pretty. She lacks all the humor and loveability of Dawn; there goes the sexual tension--in the audience, at least. And, yeah, the Gareth guy--Dwight--is a desperate attempt to make that character funny. Gareth was funny because he WASN'T too ugly, and he wasn't too extreme--he was simply an obnoxious prick, and he was just like someone everyone knew in school at some point who, while not being an a**h**, was just kind of a chode. Dwight seems like he came right out of a cartoon.

Whew. Sorry, I just really loved the original Office, and was angry when I heard they were going to remake it in the states. Glad that Gervais and Merchant can get another paycheck, but I was afraid they'd muck it up--unfortunately, lots would be good about it if they'd cast it better. They just totally missed the point that it's supposed to be real.