The Changing Structure of the Forums



To all:

What Has Happened
We have restored the old forums as per the request of several people. This restore was done from a backup done at about 3pm on Tuesday.

Why It Happened
We consolidated several forums yesterday, and people didn't like it. Unfortunately we couldn't just undo it, as we had thrown several thousand posts into the "big pile" of other posts in the major forum sections. So we had to restore an old snapshot of the forums.

What's Going to Happen
The restructuring we had in place will be put back, with one major exception. We are going to take advantage of this forums new ability to have *SUBFORUMS*. This means there will still be a Rogaine forum, and a Propecia forum and a Toppik/Couvre Forum, but they will be properly positioned underneath the "Men's Hair Loss Treatments" forum. They will not be spread out all over the forum Main page.

Why all the Changes?
As you may be aware, we are soon to release a new, much more robust web site. HairlossTalk is supposed to be a site for people of all types, with hair loss conditions of all types. As it stands, this site, and the Forums have been mostly about two things: Men, and Men's Treatments. Prior to last night, the Forum home page was nearly 80% Men's Hair Loss Topics, extending down the page, farther, and farther and farther, as you scroll, and scroll and scroll. The forums needed to be Equalized among the other two incredibly important groups of users that use this website: Women, and Alopecia Sufferers. Nearly 35% of our users are Women and their forums were squished at the bottom of the page. The large community of Alopecia sufferers have had virtually no community whatsoever. The new forum home page will be structured with an equal division of Men, Women, and Alopecia sufferers. These are our three main communities here. Or they will be.

So all of this to say that we restored the old database and will retain the subforums you love. But they will be true subforums, not displaying on the first page, but underneath major topics.
