Temple Regrowth HELP Me


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Sorry to hijack this thread guys but I just registered and its not letting me post a new thread. I need help figuring out if I have a receding hairline or is it just a mature hairline. Ive recently noticed im shedding hair. And at the front by the temples the hair is turning lighter in colour and is thinning. Also Ive noticed I have quite a bit of itching of the scalp and have started getting quite abit more dandruff lately. Im only 18 years old. My father is in his late 50s and a NW4 but didnt lose his hair until his 30s. Please help am I loosing my hair 8O

Mature hairline is still male pattern baldness that just stops (or slows) at a certain point. I would look at your relatives (your mom's side as well --- whose hair does your resemble more?). But a NW4 on dad's side is already a negative sign, yours might be quicker (no one in my fam had any hair loss before 30, I'm 22 and a clear NW2).

I see miniaturized hair but 18 is too young to do much about it, and it's still too early. Take pictures every 6-12 mo and otherwise forget this site exists, don't let it control your life