Telogen Effluvium or male pattern baldness?


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Hello, I'm new the forums. I've been reading a lot, and have learned quite a bit these last few days. I have some questions and what not.

How do you know the difference between Telogen Effluvium and male pattern baldness? I understand what male pattern baldness is all about, but I'm not to sure how to tell if it's Telogen Effluvium...

About my hair loss: I always had thick hair. Not your average thick, but during haircuts, I would clog the clippers. I never noticed anything until 17. I had my hair long (If anyone is fimilar with Jon Heder and his hair style it looked like that, not his ND character). during the summer it became to hot to have all that hair, so I had it cut. Even then I didn't notice that much (really at all).

I kept it short, and then a few months down the road I started to notice (I'll assume it's when I ended puberty). Right now I'm 19, and the top of my head is thin (however the sides and back are still thick). I'm not exactly sure, but maybe NW1 (maybe 2). My temple area is thin, and the top is thin from start to back.

My dad said he started losing his around the same time (he's NW2, but with his hair a little longer on top, you can't notice). My grandfather bald on top (if that's helpful since male pattern baldness comes from your mother's genetics). One of my uncles is bald (fathers side) and I don't believe any on my mothers side are.

Obviously that sounds like male pattern baldness, but I do have some other questions. i used to be quite fat. I was pretty skinny as a kid (1-9 range), but got fat till 10-15. However, I now notice two things.

1. My weight seems to be out of balance. I can gain it, and lose it as easy as that. It still takes excersice, but I honestly can go as a low and as high as I want. I never knew anyone with that same issues. I have gone days without excersing and eating crap and lose or maintain weight (for a period of time). It's hard to explain what I'm getting at.

2. I have thin armpit hair, chest/stomach hair and pubic hair (even more so here). That doesn't sound like male pattern baldness.

Are there other symptoms for thyroid/putitary (SP) issues (and are the two I listed even symptoms)?

3. If it's Telogen Effluvium (I'll go to a doctor at some point regardless) will my hair grow back to it's orginal thickness?

Thanks in advance for any help/advice.