Telogen Effluvium or Androgenetic Alopecia?


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Dammit, BTW I just looked at more photos of Telogen Effluvium (including the ones posted by you) and there was not one case in which a man had Telogen Effluvium and was losing hair strictly in the pattern baldness areas like the original poster, maybe I missed something? Of course they lost hair in the pattern areas but that's because they were losing hair all over their head.
Even if we can make the case that not enough time has passed for the original poster to lose hair all over they place, it just doesn't add up that the first place he would lose hair are in the male pattern areas, unless of course he has male pattern baldness. To me, everything about this case screams male pattern baldness, again just my opinion. A series of yearly photos from the past would be the best way to really pinpoint what is going on....
That gastric stuff is pretty scary.


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Well I got the results from my HIDA scan today, and my gallbladder is malfunctioning, and I talk to a surgeon next week and it may have to be removed. The shedding has gotten significantly worse it seems. Today my hands got covered in hair in the shower twice, and gently scruffing around the temple on my right side where I haven't really noticed thinning loosened quite a few strands out of the side. I'm starting to think I do have Telogen Effluvium, but like Johnny said, that doesn't mean I don't have both.

I've been trying to look through older pictures, but my cams aren't the best, and obviously I wasn't trying to document hairloss, and my hair has always been atleast a little long, so I have trouble seeing. It looks like there might be a little in some photos, but not in others that show my hairline, and they'd be from around the same time, or even later :| I can't make much out of it.

If I do have androgenetic alopecia, would my hair be miniaturizing for sure? Would a test for that be tell-all?


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There is not much you can do to absolutely confirm male pattern baldness, usually it is up to the individual because they know themselves best but keep digging up old photos. Even if they are off focus or from far away, you should be able to see if the hairline has regressed to any degree. Ask some friends or family member to see if they have any photos with you in them.
In the mean time, get yourself healthy and after you are healthy allow some time to let things come back. Unfortunately the effects of Telogen Effluvium can take many months to recover from.
IMO, the best way to determine if you have male pattern baldness would be to post photos on this site and allow the men on this board to evaluate them. Some people on this site are morons, but the majority (especially senor guys) really know what they are talking about. If you are concerned about privacy just black out any faces.


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Re: re:

Johnny24601 said:
There is not much you can do to absolutely confirm male pattern baldness, usually it is up to the individual because they know themselves best but keep digging up old photos. Even if they are off focus or from far away, you should be able to see if the hairline has regressed to any degree. Ask some friends or family member to see if they have any photos with you in them.
In the mean time, get yourself healthy and after you are healthy allow some time to let things come back. Unfortunately the effects of Telogen Effluvium can take many months to recover from.
IMO, the best way to determine if you have male pattern baldness would be to post photos on this site and allow the men on this board to evaluate them. Some people on this site are morons, but the majority (especially senor guys) really know what they are talking about. If you are concerned about privacy just black out any faces.

Actually I think its a really bad idea to let people on this site judge his condition. This seems to be a complicated case. I strongly suspect Telogen Effluvium myself.


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Based on his recent doctors visit, it does seem like this could be too much for people on this site. I was only talking about judging photos from the past to determine if male pattern baldness exists, these photos would have to be prior to his January illness. I should have been more specific as a progression of photos over say the last five years would be best.
It is amazing when I see older photos of myself and can see some recession, yet at the time I had absolutely no clue.


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Well, it's been a few weeks, and it seems like the hairloss has already gotten quite a bit worse, or maybe I'm overanalyzing. The thinning is more diffuse now, but it still seems like the worst of it is on the crown and the hairline to me. I saw the dermatologist again, and he told me it seems like most of the hair is growing back, which I guess is good if that's true. He sent me for bloodwork to check my thyroid and such, which I've yet to get the results back from.

I'm putting some more stock in the Telogen Effluvium theory, but I'm still quite worried. I've taken some new photos since, mostly from a few days to a week ago. I get the feeling my camera may be exaggerating the loss a little though, but I have trouble saying. I'll try and gather older photos that might be of any use too.

However, what still bothers me, is that in addition to the pattern areas seemingly being the worst off, is the fact that aside from a day or two, I haven't noticed the drain-clogging amounts of shedding Telogen Effluvium is allegedly supposed to have. But, then again, I'm not really positive how much I used to shed, so maybe I'm underestimating. Also, would enteritis from 4 months ago and biliary dyskinesia (I'm told my gallbladder has somewhat of a low ejection fraction, but not severely) cause Telogen Effluvium like this?

Let me know if what I'm seeing is even really there at all:

This is a little older than the rest. The branch off seemed kind of odd to me.


Left temple, where my hairline seemed to be worst off. Also, my hair is still a little bit wet in these photos.

Right temple, which is still (relatively) in seemingly good condition, atleast to me :\














I have trouble telling if this is supposed to look like this or not, but the other two seemed peculiar to me.

Thanks for the trouble of replying to my long and boring posts


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beaner said:
If you did have a Telogen Effluvium, that could also trigger your male pattern baldness if your prone to it.

Can you please share the scientific report you wrote up on the intensive research you conducted to make your conclusion because this is not a fact.

You shouldn't go around making up random facts on the internet that are not true.


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WorldofWarcraft said:
beaner said:
If you did have a Telogen Effluvium, that could also trigger your male pattern baldness if your prone to it.

Can you please share the scientific report you wrote up on the intensive research you conducted to make your conclusion because this is not a fact.

You shouldn't go around making up random facts on the internet that are not true.

If you're destined for male pattern baldness a Telogen Effluvium can trigger early onset....this is a fact and I don't need to prove it to your stupid, trolling ***, but here's 2 links found in a matter of seconds, if you can read well enough you'll find it mentioned in these pages, and I'm sure I can find many more if I cared to look. Why don't you do a bit of research before spewing your bullshit. God, I thought your stupid *** was banned a long time ago. Oh, and "random FACTS that are NOT TRUE"? Now that statement doesn't make much sense does it?


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I think my camera is exaggerating a bit. After trying to find some of the thinning on the side in the mirror I just can't see any patches or gaps that large or wide. My dermatologist hasn't really performed any tests, and I forgot to ask about miniaturization during my last visit, but neither has a hair pull been done. He sent me for bloodwork and gave me samples of clobex and suggested T-Gel and that was it. I'd really love to get a second opinion, but it seems like every dermatologist in the state that takes my insurance are booked for months. It's driving me crazy. I don't know what to make of any of this. From what I understand, Telogen Effluvium isn't supposed to cause any recession of the hair line, but my dermatologist seems pretty convinced it's Telogen Effluvium, and I have no idea why. I'm very uncomfortable with waiting to see if this doesn't get worse. How much am I bound to lose in a few months if this isn't Telogen Effluvium and what can I do to see if it isn't? I personally don't see anything growing on my hairline, and even if there was, does that really mean anything? My father only has a spot on his crown, and has had it for as long as I can remember. If there is definifitive regrowth, would that really rule out male pattern baldness, and how soon would I see it, if even just tiny sprouts? And should I use the clobex?