Swallowing Dutasteride Without the Capsule...Is it OK???


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As a dutasteride capsule is supposed to be swallowed whole without chewing the capsule, would anyone here know if there are any problems associated with biting on the dutasteride capsule and consuming the contents without consuming the capsule?

I was just wondering as I am vegetarian and the capsules are made from gelatine...



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Aplunk1 said:
The oil inside the dutasteride is the worst-tasting substsance ever.

Yeah the capsules taste a little funky so im guessing the stuff inside must be horrid. If you try it let us know how pure dutasteride tastes.


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Oh yeah, it's absolutely horrid stuff. So when I bite down on the capsule to release the contents I also take a drink of pure orange or lemon juice. The acidic taste of the juice helps disguise the taste.

So it's ok, taste-wise, taking it this way.

Just wondered though if it might have any negative effect on the effectiveness if taking it this way; that is, without the capsule...?


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There's no problem at all with doing that.