Sup guys, update duasteride


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Sup all,

I hope some of you guys remember me. Well, in 2 months it will be a year since i started propecia. My hair really hasnt changed. I got pretty tired of a payin all this money for treatments so i dropped spironolactone and moved to regular rogaine.

I still take 1mg propecia every day but my hair has just stayed the same. Guys, I am really thinking about taking the plunge and just say screw it and go with duasteride. What do you guys think? I could really use some guidance here guys. Also I have a prescription for propecia but if i wanted to switch to duasteride would i have to get another one or will my current prescription be ok? And you guys always ask lol i have had no side effects with propecia really.



Younguy18 it is hard for anyone to know what is best for you, I am presuming you are 18? You may have sides with Dutestaride where you had none with finasteride.

damn any of u guys at leats suggest if i should take the plunge into dutasteride? thanks, youngin

We are not doctors, how would we know ?

Good luck


At 18 your body might need DHT much more then us seniors (29), I would stick with finasteride or shave my head and wait for a cure. dutasteride - nope!


Experienced Member
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I agree with Ty, don't take the word of any non-medical professionals here. Some have strong anti-drug bias, some a pro-drug bias. Dutasteride does work for most people for combatting hair loss, but only a doctor can give you an informed opinion on assessing your risks if you take it.