Study Offers New Insights Into Causes Of Premature Baldness In Men


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I doubt it.

Cavemen didn't even wear shirts?

Lighter skin evolved directly for the reason to capture vitamin D (correct me if I'm wrong). So it certainly was an important evolutionary advantage to get more sun.

Also, historically, it was easily likely you would have had children before going bald or any heart issues, thus it wasn't as big as a disadvantage as it might seem.

Agustin Araujo

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Short, bald, heart disease, and prostate cancer. Sounds about right..... How do these god awful genes get passed on? WTF happened to natural selection and survival of the fittest.......

At least this "study" helps to show that baldness is not just a cosmetic disorder, it's a giant genetic flag that screams, "I'm prone to disease and cancer and am genetically inferior".

I also wonder as well.

What I personally think could be a major possibility is that as human beings living in civilization comfortably and not in the wild for thousands of years, overtime our genetics have been getting weaker and weaker. There's not much more natural selection considering that the weakest people in our modern society are allowed to reproduce.

I have surfed the net reading about some 'studies' that baldness could have an indirect link with other varying health disorders. It really is sad if that's the case but I would not be surprised at all if totally true. Science never ceases to prove anything completely unexpected.


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Going bald to help get more sunlight exposure in northern climates makes perfect sense. The baldest races are the ones who live in cold climates + get heavy facial hair. Remove either of those variables and the race doesn't go bad.

As for shortness, prostate cancer, etc. . . . it's probably just statistics gathering issues. They weren't studying a group with baldness genes, they studied a group that was manifesting the condition clearly. That is not the same thing.

It's like trying to study the health of people who are thin - are they studying a group of random thin people off the street? That would make the group more likely to have drug addicts and people in generally poor/malnourished health. Or are they trying to study people with the GENES to make them thin regardless of how well they take care of themselves? That's two different things. The latter group with thin genes would probably be in much better health than the former. Thin GENES probably won't correlate with being malnourished or a drug addict.
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I never thought to use the "I'm just more evolved" when trying to explain my hairloss. Wish I had. Could direct people right to the link and everything!