stress-cal/mag deficiency-hair loss

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upon reading how minoxidil works by activating an atp sensitive potassium channel, i made the deduction that i may be deficient in magnesium, as atp cannot be made without magnesium, and if atp production were reduced for some reason, that could indicate a lack of MG. Also magnesium is necessary for the relaxation of the muscles including during times of stress, or after bouts of stress. if you were to go through a time period in your life where your MG requirement exceded its supply, over time that would lead to a deficiency. Its all about the metabolic demands that you body has gone through and if your diet was sufficient.

For MG, 1% is stored in the blood, 70% in bones and about 30% in the cells. I thought that what may be happening was my body was trying to function on low reserves, so if i restore the reserve to somewhere near full, all other processes requiring atp will, hopefully, resume.
atp is the most general form of intercellular energy, which all cells need to reproduce them selves, and supposedly magnesium is somehow very important for protein synthesis, perhaps through the atp dependant pathways.

based on this hypothesis i purchased the most absorbable form of magnesium, mag citrate in a powder that is mixed with water. The brand was natural calm and i felt an immense change in my body within 45 minutes, and i new immediatly that at least in my situation, it was at least a piece of the hairloss pie.

here is the study for minoxidil.

FASEB J. 2008 Jun;22(6):1725-36. Epub 2008 Feb 7. Links
Human hair follicles contain two forms of ATP-sensitive potassium channels, only one of which is sensitive to minoxidil.Shorter K, Farjo NP, Picksley SM, Randall VA.
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Bradford, Bradford, BD7 1DP, UK.

Hair disorders cause psychological distress but are generally poorly controlled; more effective treatments are required. Despite the long-standing use of minoxidil for balding, its mechanism is unclear; suggestions include action on vasculature or follicle cells. Similar drugs also stimulate hair, implicating ATP-sensitive potassium (K(ATP)) channels. To investigate whether K(ATP) channels are present in human follicles, we used organ culture, molecular biological, and immunohistological approaches. Minoxidil and tolbutamide, a K(ATP) channel blocker, opposed each other's effects on the growing phase (anagen) of scalp follicles cultured in media with and without insulin. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction identified K(ATP) channel component gene expression including regulatory sulfonylurea receptors (SUR) SUR1 and SUR2B but not SUR2A and pore-forming subunits (Kir) Kir6.1 and Kir6.2. When hair bulb tissues were examined separately, epithelial matrix expressed SUR1 and Kir6.2, whereas both dermal papilla and sheath exhibited SUR2B and Kir6.1. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated similar protein distributions. Thus, human follicles respond biologically to K(ATP) channel regulators in culture and express genes and proteins for two K(ATP) channels, Kir6.2/SUR1 and Kir6.1/SUR2B; minoxidil only stimulates SUR2 channels. These findings indicate that human follicular dermal papillae contain K(ATP) channels that can respond to minoxidil and that tolbutamide may suppress hair growth clinically; novel drugs designed specifically for these channels could treat hair disorders.

sound solid??? for me my fatigue is almost non existent since starting magnesium and heart beat and resistance to stress is much better in the last 6 days, so thats a great sign, i hope to experiance more improvements in the coming weeks, im also sleeping better as low mag means high calcium which cells get saturated with calcium and dont function as well, the pineal gland is prone to calcification, so my sleep has been super great which may also mean my cells are balancing out with more magnesium and expelling calcium, as cells compete for calcium and magnesium to maintain some balance.


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The best form is Magnesium Taurate, the nice part is that you have taurine in there as well.

Make sure that if you take any cal you take 2 parts of Mg per part of Cal.

Really though if you are interested in this you should see about getting a hair analysis etc and see if you are deficient in any other minerals etc

You should try some fish oil and phosphatidylserine.

Other things that help are proper glucose levels and proper sleeping habits ie total darkness even during day light, gettting to bed ~9pm, and direct sun exposure upon waking.


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Yes magnesium improves sleeping significally if you had mg deficiency, nothing new here. But all comes back to the pattern of hair loss. Why we lose hair on top only, if your hairloss was really through some miracle from mg deficiency you would lose hair from all over your head. And women would too. I know its hard to lose hair im losing it too but no vitamins will help you to gain it back it all comes back to hormones and genetics. Good thing you sleep well though, reduces stress. I would recommend magnesium to anyone who have trouble sleeping. it really improves quality of sleep.
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if your hairloss was really through some miracle from mg deficiency you would lose hair from all over your head

how do you really know this precisely??
regardless, i was without a doubt deficient in magnesium as it has cured my fatigue miraculously in one day, which was amazing, i have been improving in every way for the past 2 weeks since ive started taking it, not my hair yet, but my health has improved i feel like a million bucks, hopefully in time that will translate in healthier scalp.

i also looked at studies to try to find any evidence of hairloss and in rats that were made MG deficient they have alopecia with skin sores, which is what i have. As my doctor gave me no blood tests of any kind before the diagnosis, that told me that he was a quack and wasnt in any position to know what was going on with me. upon my own examination i can easily see that i have had chronic stress and its not crazy to think i have developed a MG deficiency, its actually a pretty rational explanation as MG helps return increased heart rates back to normal.


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Don't forget the study showing that teas with theanine will greatly reduce stress also. I just added Lemon Balm and it has worked great, I just take it every other day.