strength training


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Hey guys. My bench press strength went up 15 pounds in less than a week. I've been making sure to get 9 hours of sleep, and if I don't get that much, I don't work out that day. I try to work my upper body every 2-3 days. I do 3 sets per compound group: 5 reps, 8 reps, 12 reps, and maybe a 4th of 20 reps, though I can slack on that one. One the first two I get assistance to get in the last 2 reps.

Here is the key: I don't wait for my reps to go up before adding weight. I just add another 5 pounds at the next exercise session. My muscles keep up. This is supposed to only work for beginners, but I think you are not a beginner unless you've done this before and peaked. If you just used bad methods for a year and got no where, you could still be a beginner and this method will work for you.

So far my workout time is limited by when I get light headed. I make sure to leave when I think my muscles are not getting the fuel they need. I race home and get some orange juice and whey protein and a little glutamine, arginine, and creatine in me, and a lot of water. Maybe if I bring this all mixed up to the gym, I can do a little shoulder work too.

As for cardio, I think fat burning is bad for muscle gain. I don't think 15 minutes of cardio 3x a week will stop muscle gains. They key is to work your heart but not burn a lot of fat at once with the cardio. If you do something longer, have a drink with you, and make sure you eat enough.