Strange experience..


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Will try to make this short. I have tried Propecia, spironolactone 2%, Revivogen, minoxidil 2% but these all gave me bad headaches and some sort of dizziness. Have been using 1% Nizoral for about 6 months.

So I decided to order some Tricomin and found it gave a slight headache when I use it, but not nearly as much as the stuff mentioned above. Therefore, I diluted it by half with distilled water and have been using it for about 4 weeks.

I get a slight headache still, even at this diluted concentration, but all my hair has got much thicker and is growing back in spotty patches. It is quite amazing. I also decided to not shampoo my hair every day, but every second day (rotate Nizoral with Head and Shoulders).

Just wanted to share my experience with Tricomin, and ask if anyone has any idea why I get a headache when using something as supposedly weak as Tricomin?? Seems I am ultra sensitive to any hair medications.

Thanks a bunch..


Experienced Member
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i think you should go to a doctor about this, they might know why this is happening, or if they are associated


Established Member
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I don't buy your claimed results. Your hair is not thicker. And, I doubt you have obtained any new growth that is visible. You simply have not been on the product long enough.

I am not calling into question your integrity..........just your objectivity.

(I felt it necessary to call you out on this because posts like yours give false hope of quick fixes and could cause others to stop useful treatments too soon.)

- X "bringeth" truth and justice to this thread! - :2gunsfiring_v1:


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Nice one..

I understand your reasoning that it seems unlikely that this has happened; it certainly does to me and I doubt it will be as effective for most. Also, I have only been using Tricomin for 1.5 months so perhaps my hair might fall out tomorrow (could happen). Maybe there are other factors that are contributing to this, but nothing that comes to mind.

But believe me clearly when I say that my hair is thicker; substantially thicker than previously. I am a diffuse thinner, w/ receding hairline and temples, esp my right temple with was esp. thin : (

I am not with Tricomin or any of the copper peptide companies. I just wanted to share my experience. Its sometimes amusing how many posts I read online of supposed experts who are not always qualified to make judgements of other people's experience. : )


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I am in no way claiming to be an expert. But, I have studied this issue for many years (about 20) and if you are growing hair the way you report after just 4 weeks of treatment, you are in no way reflective of the norm or even the unusual..................your experience, if true, would be nothing short of miraculous, and I doubt you have received a miracle.

More than likely if you are noticing improvement that soon, it is improvement of a cosmetic nature. There are good products that would make your hair >appear< thicker and fuller, but keep in mind, that the hair is not actually thicker or fuller, it just appears that way. Nothing wrong with those products..................some are excellent.

As far as actual growth and thickening, I would not discount that it may be due to your regular use of Nizoral. That would make sense since you have been on it for 6 months. That, I could buy!

If you doubt any of what I have written please consult with any one else on this site, including, and I am quite certain that those who are knowledgeable will absolutely, positively agree with me.