Stopped Propecia now on Rogaine

Patrick T

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Hello I have been meaning to join a hair loss forum for the past few weeks. This looks like the right place to pose my question. Apologies if it has been asked before.

I'm 24 years old, began taking Propecia back in March 2009 and had great results. My hair loss stopped completely, in fact coming in even thicker than before. But my balls ached and my libido lowered. I wasn't too worried about it, though.

In September of 2010 I began dating my current girlfriend. We tried to have sex a couple of times and it just wasn't working down there for me. This crushed me. I searched the internet and found out that it was fairly common for Propecia users to have this problem. So about 5 weeks ago I got off the pill and my sex life has improved a great deal (not where it was before propecia, but way better than while on it).

I also started taking Rogaine the day I got off Propecia. I'm hoping that the switch will be seamless and I will maintain all or most of my hair. Is this correct, or will I lose all of the hair that propecia had maintained the last 2 years? I know they are two different drugs that work in different ways. :(

I'm also thinking of going back to propecia - taking one pill every two or three days, or else on and off every month. Does anyone have experience in my position? I want the best of both worlds - hair and sex. But it's a delicate balance. Any advice is much appreciated.

Patrick T


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If you stop propecia you will lose everything you have gained rogaine will not keep hair that you grew on propecia. If youre getting side effects I would recommend dropping the dosage doge to 0.25 mg per day or quarter of a propecia tablet. If you do some research on here you will see there are people who have had success with this. good luck!!