Still shedding & itching is getting annoying


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I'm new & not sure if this is the best section for this so a mod is welcome to move it if another one would be more appropriate. Anyways... I started losing my hair 4 years ago & it's gradually been getting worse. I didn't really care about losing it at 1st but I decided to talk to my Doctor about it 9 months ago because it started itching where I've been losing it & I hate having others comment on it & I don't like the feel of sun shinning on it when I go out. My Doctor said it's male pattern baldness & he put me on Finasteride. It did not have any noticeable affect. I tried Rogaine out a few months ago & I lost more hair at 1st & then I did not notice any improvement. I had to quit it after two months because it made my head itchier. I'm very hesitant to try any more topical stuff because I have very sensitive skin & even changing my shampoo makes the itching worse. I switched from Finasteride to Avodart a couple months ago & I still have not noticed any improvement & my head is gradually getting itchier where I'm shedding. I'm kind of lost as to what to do now. I've done a little bit of research & these may be bad ideas so I'll mention them & ask for opinions. Could oral Nizoral potentially help with the hair loss or even just the itching that is caused by it? Could oral Minoxidil or oral spironolactone be worth trying? Could Avodart be more effective if I take it more often instead of the .5 1ce a day or would that be a bad idea? Does anyone have any other ideas about stopping the hair loss or the itching?