Stemcin01's Story


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Name: Stephen
Age: 20
hairloss started: 15
Areas: receeding Hairline and thining hair

From birth i have always had a bigger forehead that most people. Before i got to the age of 15 it wasn't that noticeable. When i hit puberty my hairline rapidly went back and i was producing a lot of body hair that normal. I mean thick black hairs all over my body. I went to the doctor and he said your going through puberty and the amount of body hair i was producing wasn't abnormal and he put the hairloss down to natural hairloss. He said to me there is nothing i can do about hairloss.

I believe that my body is producing to much testosterone. Since i was 14 i have probably masterbated everyday and i serious believe this has effected my testosterone levels.

When i starting going through puberty, i probably had more hair on my legs that everybody in my class put together. I started to have hair growning up the shaft of my penis. when to the Dermatologist and she knew what she was talking about but never heard back from them since.

Can anybody help me please? :oops:

My goals: Regrow my hairline back
have thick hair on head
no body hair!


Ps Sorry im totally rubbish at writing


Senior Member
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do a search.

see a dermatologist.

my suggestion!?


have bloodwork done if you think your testosterone is too high.

good luck man.


New Member
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my suggestion: love yourself. No one on this earth can love you if you don't love you. LOVE YOURSELF. Who gives a care how you look! LOVE the way you look. Unless it's some major health concern, what advice can any of us give you if you are not willing to love yourself. If you do, believe me you have much to gain by way of confidence.