Starting Finasteride: Ramping


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Well, after five months on minoxidil with very good results, I have decided to start finasteride (ordered from Keywest).

I am seriously considering just starting with 0.5 every other day for a few weeks, then on to 0.5 every day, to see how it goes. One reason I have this luxury is that I have had good success with minoxidil, and if I could get even a decent amount of DHT inhibited, I think that would top off my treatment (and obviously save me money). My greatest reason for going at such a low dose, is to see if it reduces the side effects (and it may very well not).

I tried finasteride about three years ago, for about 6 weeks. I experienced an EXTREMEMLY high sex drive for about 2 weeks (week 3 and 4?) and then dropped off into no-man's land, and eventually quit due to that, and an apparent mood change. I wish I had stayed on it longer to see if these effects would taper off.

I normally have a high sex drive (able to go 3-4 times a day, routinely), and wonder if that's due to a high DHT or something. As long as I could maintain an erection, and perform at least once a day, I have no worries.

I will keep everyone posted, month-to-month, as to the effect it has on me, and any positive results. Might even try to do some pics.

I am 33, and about a Norwood 2, been experiencing male pattern baldness since about the age of 27, but have shaved my head the last 3 years or so. I appear to have not had any more loss these last few years, and now minoxidil has caused great gains (bald spot closing in, some thickness up front, etc).


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Celtictigyr said:
I tried finasteride about three years ago, for about 6 weeks. I experienced an EXTREMEMLY high sex drive for about 2 weeks (week 3 and 4?) and then dropped off into no-man's land, and eventually quit due to that, and an apparent mood change. I wish I had stayed on it longer to see if these effects would taper off.

This is fairly common. you are correct, the fluxation in libido usually corrects itself after a period.


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well, we shall see this time. I may even take 0.25 as that study says 0.2 to 5 mgs produces results (could swear if I'm reading it right, 0.2 was nearly as effective as 1 mg)

I would take it daily. I am going to try not to think about it, but on the other hand, I want to make note of any changes in drive, libido and my mood in general.


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Re: finasteride

Celtictigyr said:
well, we shall see this time. I may even take 0.25 as that study says 0.2 to 5 mgs produces results (could swear if I'm reading it right, 0.2 was nearly as effective as 1 mg)

I would take it daily. I am going to try not to think about it, but on the other hand, I want to make note of any changes in drive, libido and my mood in general.

Umm.. I believe it was .5mg was almost as effective as 1.25, but not exactly sure. Anyways good luck, and try not to let your mind play tricks on you as you make notes of changes.