Started finasteride today...


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Alright everyone, I started finasteride today. I'm going in to this with great optimism and I welcome the sheds with open arms. Just a few basic questions to those who experienced some of the sides.

How long was it before the following started to occur:

Loss of Libido

When should I be expecting to start seeing some of these side effects? I can ride out the libido and acne, but I really, really don't want to get gyno. How common of a side effect is gyno, anyway?

Help me out fellas.


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A lot of people don't get all those sides. All I got was a loss of libido which kicked in within a day or two. I do get the odd bit of acne, nothing major though and I used to get the odd spot every now and then anyway.


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yeah i think the sides are over rated i never got anything but hair regrowth ...i've been on finasteride for about 4-5 months and just started minoxidil a couple of weeks ago and i'm starting to see a lot of regrowth around the temples


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Libido dead: 2 week

Prostate gone: 1 month

Breasts growth: 9 months

Having a bad reaction to finasteride? Priceless.


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i got puffy nipples about 2 months into finasteride.. but it never got worse.

I never got libido problems, acne problems either.

on a normal person i dont think you'd even notice gyno if you got it anywya.. i just happen to be very lean. thus more noticable.


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jeffsss said:
i got puffy nipples about 2 months into finasteride.. but it never got worse.

I never got libido problems, acne problems either.

on a normal person i dont think you'd even notice gyno if you got it anywya.. i just happen to be very lean. thus more noticable.

Thanks for the help everyone...

Jeff, I'm the same way. I work out a ton too and have been doing so for a while so I take some pride in my body and really don't want to get puffy nipples.

I highly doubt finasteride's functioning in my system yet since I've only popped 3 pills so far but I had about 1 hair come out in the shower this morning where I regularly have about 15-20 and my libido is definitely fine. We'll see what happens...


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when i started finasteride

week 1 nut ache strange feeling between belly button and pubic bone guess my prostae was shrinking

week 2-3 less morning glorys

after first month everything back to normal except less muck and firing range :)

best of luck


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I had very mild to non-existent sides for a few days..probably all in my head too....only thing I truly notice is a bad zit now and again. Otherwise, I've been on finasteride for 3 months today and my hair is thickening like crazy and I have about 40 terminal hairs growing out of what was a slick bald spot....which is now totally covered in peach fuzz. I love finasteride.