Something my doctor told me


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I had my annual physical recently (all is well) but I asked my doctor why the hair on the sides of my head, and around the ears (non-typical male pattern baldness places) is thinning because it struck me as odd to lose hair in these areas.

Anyhow, his response was that it is genetics but I could not get clarity from him. Can anyone add some insight into this?



That Doctor is full of sh*t. :lol: . Actually I don't know what he said to you, but I remember that right when i got on finasteride i went through a massive all over the head shed in which i even shed hair on the back and sides of my head. But it never thinned out or anything. Does the sides of your hair actually look thinner now? That would be strange, because i don't think that is possible unless you have something like alopecia areta(i think).