Solving ALL hair problems


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Think about this...
I'm hoping, in the near future, we will have the technology to permanently change the texture (or type) of hair that we were naturally born with. My hair is too thin. I'm sure I'm not alone in this, I will pay big bucks for hair like Nora Jones, Shakira or jennifer Lopez.

Picture having the hair you have always wanted, growing out of you head naturally.
I don't know how it would work.. maybe a pill, injection or grafting??? I don't know but I'd surely be in line for it.
All we need is for some scientists to dedicate their time to this...imagine the possibilities ....


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has it thinned over time or has it always been thin,

if it's always been thin sh*t man be grateful for what you have, use toppik or hair thickening shampoos, i think better research should go to men and women who actually have hairloss, i.e receding, diffuse thiinng, you obviously don't know what is like to loss hair for real. don't be so ungrateful your problem is minor, it may affect you, but it's not hairloss if it's just natural thin, use toppik