so i did something rash and shaved my head (pics)


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i got reall pissed off yesterday to the point of doing one of two things .... killing myself or shaving my head ... i went with the latter .... i gotta say im pretty happy about it.... the only thing that troubles me is the thin spot on the back right of my head which isn't completely out of control ... my hair got thinner but i still have a lot of it.... which is cool to kno







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Nice move, i bet it looks better than it did before. I had pretty much the exact same pattern. Type 2 regrowth, or the thickening of existing hair has made a massive difference for me. Also, have you tried shaving the non male pattern baldness hairs with a clipper thats one level lower? I feel that makes a huge difference to the untrained eye. I havent had one comment about my hairloss since I started doing it. Get a proffessional to do it the first time and you'll feel like a million bucks.


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That looks good!

When I hear someone say "I shaved my hair", I think of them taking a razor to their head Michael Jordan style. This is more of an extreme buzz cut.

Well, anyway..


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Dude, nobody except maybe a dermatologist will be able to tell that you are losing your hair.


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type 1 regrowth is pretty "results not typical" hair growing where there was no hair before. Type 2 is existing hair just comming through the shaft thicker than before. Ultimately it results in less scalp being shown..which is always a good thing.


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WithTheLidOff said:
type 1 regrowth is pretty "results not typical" hair growing where there was no hair before. Type 2 is existing hair just comming through the shaft thicker than before. Ultimately it results in less scalp being shown..which is always a good thing.

I see.

But even when hair is not visible in an area of scalp, it usually is there, just miniaturized-vellus. Where does this terminology stem from? Companies? It's the first time I hear of this term.


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whoa....we totally hijacked someones post about their new shaved head. Anyways, in the propecia studies, they recorded hair count per sq. cm, magnified 2500 times or something ( i can;t recall.) Any new hair would be considered regrowth or type 1. THis would include crappy see through vellous hairs. Hair thats already part of the haircount, but comes up thicker, fuller and more pigmented IS considerred regrowth although its now really new hair per se. I actually seen the terminology on this site. Classifying it isnt important, only that people that who are looking for specific signs of new hair may not see them, but may nevertheless see an improvement in cosmetic appearance.

Sorry original poster :wink: anyways, I hope this gives you a possitive outlook.


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thanks for all the replies and the positive feed back ... i went out last night and i feel a lot better when im out i mean i was wearing a hat but people like to f*** with ur hat all the time and im not worried about it coming off anymore .... i felt a lot more relaxed cause i wasnt worried about the way my hair looked and thats awesome.... and dont worry about high jacking my post ...that was actually interesting to find out also as a response to it looking better than it did this is actually a picture of my hair a few months b4 i cut it.... i could hide the thinning very well :

no one ever suspected anything .... also all my "my story" pictures have me with longer hair


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I get so dumbfounded by this board. When am I ever going to see pictures of someone who is actually going bald?

Lately all i see are dudes talking about how miserable life is, "look at my pics." You have a shaved head and it's dense as hell!!!!! I don't want to even think about what mine would look like at that length. For me, it's continue with the shag (psuedo comb over) or frickin BIC it.

anybody out there in the same boat as me?


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sorry about that. i am just real frustrated. I g uess my hair used to be exactly like yours about a year and a half ago, round the time i noticed things just werent as thick as they used to be, but still manageable. so i started propecia. and now my hair is fluff. my barber leaves is long so it acts like a bowl cut, and fools most people. when the slightest breeze hits though....

scalp, everywhere.

screw this drug, it has ruined me, yet i can't bring myself to stop using it.


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anybody out there in the same boat as me?

I feel the same way sometimes. But I think that this demonstrates a little about the psychology of hair loss. People tend to overeact and unpurposely exagerate their condition because of their anxiety in dealing with their affliction. I think marsbtchsx's hair looks very good, no noticeable thinning that I can see. Still, I do wish people could put a trivial amount of possible hair thinning into perspective and demonstrate some self-restraint, nevertheless. I think women with thinning hair have it exponentially worse than males, especially when you consider how superficial males are when picking a mate.


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87david said:
especially when you consider how superficial males are when picking a mate.

Girls are very, very superficial too.

I highly doubt the "animal guy, sensitive girl" model. Reality never fails to show me otherwise. And I am the average p**rn-digging guy. I am not butter-hearted.


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Yeah. That's true, SE-Freak. But, in general, I think women are more superficial as it concerns there own personal appearance rather than evaluating a man. Of course, I do see most women prefer tall guys, so I guess I'm wrong there :)