Smoking and depression weaken immune system - Helps male pattern baldness?


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[/quote]The Thymus Gland is a vital human organ located deep in one's chest under the breastbone. The Thymus Gland secretes thymus peptides into the blood, and when strong and functioning properly, acts as a regulator of the immune system which produces anti-bodies to fight disease and disorders which may number in the thousands.

As we age, the Thymus Gland shrinks, and this condition correlates with the production of "autoimmune" diseases.

The word "autoimmune" is defined as; an immune response of the body against one of it's own tissues or types of cells.

Many specialists believe that baldness is an autoimmune disease in which the balding person's own white blood cells are recognizing hair follicles as "foreign proteins" which need to be eliminated. Thus, through a myriad of chemical conversions, the weakening immune system produces autoantibodies which are directly responsible for the attack, deterioration and eventual death of the hair follicles. As our thymus gland shrinks, many parts of the weakening immune system may go into dysfunction. This is VISUALLY apparent in balding persons due to the fact that you can SEE their autoimmune response in the form of thinning hair.
which is which?


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Bismarck said:
So you are saying the stronger the immune system the stronger the hair ?

I think he's saying the opposite. The stronger the immune system, the more agressive male pattern baldness will become, because the immune attack against your hair follicles will be bigger.


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I dont know what to think about that.I was under severe stress and depression and virtually chain smoked, Telogen Effluvium started then my hair started to fall out like crazy.I gradually got myself out of the rut i was in i virtually cut down on the smoking got the stress and depression out of my system and now my hairs growing back.