Should I keep my regime or kick it up a notch?


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What up Fellas!

Well, Im approaching month 3 on Nizoral and Propecia and I am still shedding. I really dont want to start using minoxidil, yet, and I still have some what thick hair. Should I just stick on my regime for now and later on start with minoxidil if my results are all that great? I understand that I should stick to propecia for at least 4 month or maybe long before I start to see results.




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Kick it up a notch! Bam!


Wait. You may not see the finasteride working untill months 6-12!!!


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As a feller who saw his frontal 3rd of scalp only get worse for 3 years on finasteride, then regrow with minoxidil, I'd say watch de hair closely for the next 6 months or so. If you don't see improvement start the minoxidil. Just once/day if twice is a hassle.


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you still have thick hair. from how long youve been using finasteride its too early to tell. stick with the treatment 6-12 months then assess the situation. dont assess it every day or even every week. look at the big picture. this is a medication that takes time to build up in your body and go to work. on top of that it take about 4 months for a new follicle to grow and get above the scalp surface. dont add time consuming and expensive treatments you will have to use all your life unless youre sure its necessary.


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Thanks Yall!

What up Brothers!

Thanks for the response. I will stick to what Im using right now and kick it up a noch later on, if it need be!

Again, THANKS!!!



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just to add...... although you got your advice already, I think UK is right. You gotta look at the big picture instead of looking at it day to day. It's kinda like working out, your not gonna see big gains from yesterday and today(or even last week from this week)but from last year to this year you will. But Niles is also right.... monitor it carefully.. wait it out till 8-12 months if you could handle it, but make sure you don't lose site of the big picture, like it was stated before.

The Gardener

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Good analogy KrazyK, and good advice from all here.

Stick with it. You are going through a shed, completely normal. I would keep an eye on it, though. If you notice visible hairline changes, or noticeable changes in density then I'd suggest adding in another element to your regimen.


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I still don't know why some of you guys are using propecia, but not minoxidil. It can increase your success at least 2 fold. Remember, the older you get the less chance your hair will respond to minoxidil...

If you are serious about your hair loss, you need a growth stimulator such as minoxidil or copper peptides.

IMO, any serious regime would include:

propecia or topical spironolactone or both


copper peptides or minoxidil or both