Shedding stubble sized hairs 1 mm- 1 cm.


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Hi everyone,

I am a 24 year old male. I have been on propecia 1 year ( thinning on crown). Nothing grew back, but it didn't get worse. ( at least i think). I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism from Hashimotos disease 7 weeks ago. I was put on 50mcgs of snythroid. I have heard horror stories of hair loss from synthroid. My gf and I clogged the shower drain last week, the hair i shed then stayed on the floor of the shower and didn't go down the drain. I noticed 70-90 "stubble sized hairs" and 20-40 regular length hairs. I am worried it's from the the synthroid, although my hair looks the same it did 7 weeks ago. worse case scenerio- the synthroid is making my hair fall out, and once a long hair falls out, it wont grow back long but will shed like a very small stubble hair. The thing is , when we fixed the drain, I didn't notice any hair left on the shower floor. So i don't know if this is something new, or caused by my synthroid. I did however I put a paper towel over the shower drain, and saw the same amount of stubble hairs as the other shed "70-90" a couple days later. i'm not sure if the stubble shedding happened before me getting on synthroid, or if the synthroid is currently causing by it! So in the long run, i'm not sure if my thinning was due to male pattern baldness or my thyroid disorder. Should I be worried? any advice would be appreciated! The stubble hair just freaked me out!