Shedding on finasteride/dutasteride


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Hello, I've been on finasteride for about 21 months now and still kinda shedding, also on minoxidil 5% for 3/4 years. About 5 months ago on the 16th month of finasteride i started on dutasteride. however, to this date i dont really see a change in shedding but im pretty sure at this moment my hair is less dense as it was when i started finasteride. Im not sure whether taking both finasteride and dutasteride alter the usual shedding pattern, but since ive started dutasteride my hair has been fairly average. Does combining finasteride and dutasteride provide extra protection against dht, or does it combine for the worse????

Also like to add that in past months, the hair shedding are mostly thick mature hairs. thinning hairs were only presesnt in sheds at the beginning of my treatment. im just hoping that the shed will eventually slow down and my hair will become more dense. Not sure whether finasteride and dutasteride are for me, would looking into another type of androgen blocker be worth it, i.e. RUM.

Also ordered 3 60ml bottle or minoxidil 15%, hopefully this can increase the chances of regrowth.

Would appreciate all your thoughts.