Shedding After 4 Months Of 3percent Minoxidil

Amit Saini

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I had hair transplant in May 2020 as my hairs were not that bad but they transplant aprox 1400 grafts.
also they did PRP therapy at that time.
then Doctor gave me 3 percent Minoxidil to apply daily. I had very good result for 3-4 months and hairs stopped falling but suddenly entering in month 4 i start shedding and now still shedding tons of hairs daily.
I also took Fenestride for 3 months after transplant.

Doctor from which i had hair transplant passed away due to Covid 19 and clinic was privately owned.

Is it normal that shedding happens. Looks like the hairs that are falling are very thin and their roots are very tiny. How long shedding takes place.
All will new hairs grow and how much time they will take to grow back.


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finasteride is known to cause shedding and for some people that shedding does not stop, finasteride for most people is overkill esp if you have had a transplant, those hair follicles are supposed to be androgen resistant, whoever put you on minoxidil and finasteride was giving you an overkill protocol.