Seriously, What's Wrong With Me? (please Read)


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So I used CB (from Kane) back in July and I quickly experienced side effects. The side effects I experienced were dry eyes, headaches, fatigue, insomnia, memory problems, difficulties concentrating, mood swings and anxiety. I used the CB for about one week before I quit. Unfortunately, the side effects persisted even after I stopped. Since then I have been taking several blood tests to check my hormones. One of the blood tests showed that my testosterone was low. I also recently took a new blood test because my doctor thinks that there might be something wrong with my cortisol. I am still waiting for my results.

I am still experiencing all the same symptoms (except for headaches). Do you guys think that either low or high cortisol could be causing this? Is it the low testosterone? How could CB be causing this? Have anyone else experienced similar symptoms? I thought it was going to be side effect free..

Jim lahey

Established Member
My Regimen
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Was your cb tested he could of just given you a cheaper easier aa to produce. and obviously you need to get your test and cortisol back to normal levels thats probably why you still have sides.