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regrowth on the hairline, the v is getting sharper and sharper, and i want to think that i could respond well cause i see the near invisible hairs. What can i do to even out the hairline, the middle point is so low, but the temples just go so high, it looks stupid. What are the chances that minoxidil can help even this out. Making matters worse is that my parents (im only 18) think im crazy and im overdoing it enough with propecia, they like wont allow me to do minoxidil. My grandfathers and uncles are all no worse than NW2, my dad is probably NW3, the worst hairloss of the family, so they think whats happening to me is perfectly fine, and i would be fine with it at an older age, but with how quick its happened to me, and how thin the hairline is getting, its a big cause for concern for me. I dobut id be getting a mature hairline at 18, i see myself with my dad's hair in a few short years.


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I find it very self-centered that people unthinkingly react to our hairloss essentially with the cold response: "well, it doesnt bother, you are over-reacting."

My advice is to go to the length that you feel you should go to.

As young as you are, you should be an excellent candidate for rogaine. Most people who see dramatic results see them with minoxidil, not propecia. I had dramatic results with rogaine when I was your age, but its going to be the propecia that will protect you from long term damage of dht. I started back on rogaine at 33, and didnt see anything like what I saw when I was 19. Its definitely age dependent, and further reason why it doesnt make sense to wait.


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Another vote for de minoxidil. Your chances of regrowth up front are 1 in 3, according to a study I've seen. It found 33% of participants had moderate to dense improvement in front. Probably s'more at least maintained. It's been the only thing that's worked for my front.

You could try using it just once a day if twice is too much hassle or causes too much flake/itch. Or get Dr.Lee's.