Scrawler's Story



Hello everybody,

I've only just joined and this is a completely new thing for me. Not just the hair loss but the looking-online-for-support for it. Usually, I deal with things in my own way but with this..I'm not sure I can.

I've been suffering from hair loss (thinning) for a few weeks now but have yet seen A GP (doctor) about the problem (will be visiting him on Monday). So, at this time I do not know the cause of the hair loss.

Things have gotten noticeably bad that instead of being annoyed at the cat for his fur, it's mine that's the problem. If I don't go, I don't bother washing or brushing my hair to try and lessen the loss each day. My hair is naturally fine but I can tell it's a lot thinner that it used to be. When I do brush or wash it, there's hair in the toilet, floor, sink, bath, my clothes, my hair brush, my mouth, everywhere. Even taking a bath is a joke as there is more hair in the bath than water. I've had my partner check my head for bald patches and he cannot find any.

At present I have itching and pain on the scalp and I thought that a form of dermatitis was the cause but I've only read one account of hair loss being a problem with this. So am unsure if this is the cause. I use T-Gel shampoo which although causes pain in the scalp after use (seriously bad pain) it does not relieve the itching or lessen the hair loss.

My thyroid gland has been checked out numerous times for various reasons (gut problems) and although is shown to be maybe a couple of points lower than normal, I've not been diagnosed or treated for it.

Stress and worry has crossed my mind as a cause but I've have a relatively stress free life compared to what it was 10/15 years ago. Is it possible to have a backlash of stress?

The only other thing I can think of is Alopecia. Despite several difficult situations in my life that I've dealt with, I feel that hair loss to the point of baldness would be devastating to me. I don't wear hats and any other type of head covering would be unusual for me. I've had my cut really short once and believe me, it did not suit me at all!

I'm looking forward to joining with things on this board and I hope that I can find some answers to my problem very soon.

More later :)