scared I might be balding and depressed as hell


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I have hydrocephalus... I can't go bald. I need to figure out what. Are scars first before posting picx because I don't want people to xsay I'm balding if I'm not.

my moms side does not have hair issues. My dad was pretty bad off before he got married at 27. I have receded temples . I have been underr a lot of stress so I'm hoping that its just from stress and will grow back. My identical twin doesn't have hair loss. I'm scared to post pics.

I bought this but ig won't come until the 20th



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Mate, it's best to accept the fact it's a possibility, just because your hair line is receding doesn't mean you will be totally bald. It sounds me like you're in denial about it though, and that's the worst view anyone can hold because you have quiet a few options out there that can stop or even reverse the balding process.

Don't wait until it's to late.


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dudemon said:
The Nizoral shampoo you bought is questionable whether it really works. The 2% solution, if any, apparently works better than the 1% OTC version of it. However, there has been no or very little "scientific" evidence that it has any impact on hairloss. Some guys swear by it, others will say its nothing but snake oil.

The Biotin will make your existing hair grow faster. But, that is ALL it is going to do. It will have no effect on your hairloss, and it won't regrow any hair that has fallen out due to male pattern baldness or reverse any hair that has been miniaturized by male pattern baldness.

If you truly think you are experiencing male pattern hereditary baldness (male pattern baldness) then you can try Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar) which has proven to stop or slow hereditary hairloss. Minoxidil (Rogaine) has been proven to regrow some hair in the crown/vertex regions. BOTH of these drugs have a better chance of working if it hasn't been that long since the hairloss set in; there is in a window of time for these drugs being the most effective, in other words.

I think something like 80% of men who use these drugs have at least some success.
thanks for your posts I was on ambien last night... I don't even remembrr writing it :(. Sounds like I'm speaking my mind though