Scalp massage?


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Ive always heard scalp massages were good as they stimulated blood flow and is overall healthy for the hair. However, I hated doing this and would only do it ever so often as I all saw was more hair falling out!! I just got on Finasteride to complete the big 3 so now I am feeling confident I am really stopping my hairloss and want to do whatever I can to help it out. They even say with the drug, and any hair loss in general, is that you should keep a clean and flake free scalp.

Is there a good oil/lotion to apply to your scalp to keep the skin and hair healthy and flake free? Will any lotion/oil work as long as I give it a good massage? Will it damage my hair?

I hated how 5% minoxidil gave me big flakes as I felt it was just inhibiting hair growth instead of helping it out. I am on a mixture of 5% and women's 2% right now and using ketoconazole 2% as well and using zenagen as my other shampoo. Do those shampoos help or hurt your scalp?
