saw palmetto effectiveness?? Plus other comments


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Saw palmetto taken orally is useless in fighting hair loss. Applied topically, who knows? Oral ingestion of saw palmetto has been proven in numerous studies to inhibit DHT in the prostate, but unless you're trying to grow hair on your prostate, that doesn't do much good to combat hair loss. Furthermore, there is not a single bit of clinical evidence, despite tests, to show that it inhibits scalp DHT. The fact that the two biggest scams out there, Procerin and Avacor, use saw palmetto ought to tell you something, don't you think?

I personally used Procerin for a year by itself. My hair loss continued exactly as it had before. Once I got on minoxidil, dutasteride, copper peptides and Nizoral, I stopped losing hair and have had significant regrowth.

Take saw palmetto if you want to -- it is good for prostate health -- but don't be fooled into thinking that it helps combat hair loss.

BTW, your comment on the lasercomb shows a lack of information. It has been FDA approved in the US for hair thickening and medically approved in Canada for regrowth. There is already far more evidence for the lasercomb as effective against hair loss than there is for saw palmetto. But there is even more evidence for finasteride, copper peptides, minoxidil and Nizoral.