SarcasticHorse's story


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Hey guys, another frustrated young bachelor coping with my missing hair. I'm 22, probably been losing since I was 18-19, but didn't really notice it. I've got the classic temple recession...the whole "U" thing goin' on in the front. Here's some pics I found after digging through tons of files that show my hairline disappearing from 2002-2005 (and by the way, it seems like its gone awlful quick since this normal speed?):

I really first noticed all this in August 2004 or so, but thought it was due to some medication I'd been taking (one side effect was thinning hair). I was a naive little bastard. Starting taking saw palmetto, etc. all the natural stuff until May of 2005. In May started using Minoxidil on top of the naturals and finally starting taking Propecia on July 13th.

I've since stopped using Minoxidil because of the inconvenience, but I'll probably start using it again soon. I'm about 4.5 months into Propecia and, like so many others, feel that my hair has gotten slightly worse since I started taking. I'm being patient though and hopefully I can restore a smidgen of my diginity (and confidence as well).

I'll have some recent pics up very soon to really show you guys where I'm at. My frontal and temporal areas are strugglin', so wish me luck.

**EDIT*** Almost forgot family history:

: Started losing in his early 30's; still has a little left at 55, but getting closer to absolute zero.
Dad's Dad: 83 years old with a FULL HEAD of grey hair
Mom's Dad: Started losing in 50's, still had a decent amount left at 67
Mom's Brother: 60 with small bald spot, very thick otherwise, no frontal loss or recession at all.

I think that whole "Mother's Side" thing is bullshit...

-Sarcastic Horse (a disgruntled college student)

tu pac

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yo dude im 22 I have the exact pattern as you big *** uS for temples thiinner on the vertex overall thinning, I dont need to even need to post a pick any more cause we have identicle hair lines and thinnig,check the hair around the ears and down the side of the neck, It will be darker like beard hair or pubes if you cant see it yet you well.I also shave my head like you on 0 its the only cut we can pull off.I tried the natrul sh*t first too its a waste trust me.I just started on proscsr 3 and a half months ago and minoxidil a month ago I suggest you do the same. I to am still getting worse what the f*** ehh. It hit hard and fast for me to like bang!. man to see your head is like lookin in the mirror for me.


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Ok here are some pics I took a few weeks ago, right at month 4 of Propecia. I'm new to the pic thing, so I forgot a couple and I don't have anything to compare really to yet, but I will next month when I hit month 5 and take better pictures.