Rogaine & Shaving My Head


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Hi Everyone;
I have been using Rogaine now for a month or so and I do see results.
Unfortunately at 25 years of age I have been shaving my head for a few years because the Widow's Peak is way past noticeable.
I was wondering if there would be an issue if I still continued to shave my head while waiting for the Rogaine to make more of a dramatic effect, or if I had to allow my hair (or lack there of) to grow out for the Rogaine to take effect?
Thank You, just something I was wondering about so I could continue shaving my head or just wear a Ball Cap all the time til It starts to come back with a more noticeable difference.


shaving your head will make it work even better because more minoxidil will hit the scalp.


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i always said that people that use rogaine or any topicals should have a nice buzz cut, will dramatically increase absorption rate. you be surprised how much rogaine is wasted in your hair. the best results i see are people that keep hair short.


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Thanks Guys;
I'll take your word for it....
The reason I asked was because maybe the hair soaking it into the root was the best possible way for it to soak in...?
Although I dont have to use the recomended 1ml twice a day, I can get away with .75ml at the most to cover my whole scalp.


Yes.My hair is buzzed 1.5 and i can get away with using a little less (to avoid sides) Good luck.And with topicals i think a buzzed hair is great because you dont miss any areas.


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Yea it lasts longer than a month!
What is 1.5? Like a crew cut? or is that the clipper attachment?
When I say buzzed I mean I take it all down like a 5 o'clock shadow


Its a number one setting on the clipper,Its a bit longer than a five aclock shadow.


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yeap I just went number 0, clipper style and shaved off my head.

Started fresh with that shave on the big old 3 at age 30, but I too can see using minoxidil foam is dead easy and quick... just becomes routine and normal, after a months use I can see little regrowth on the left front side, but one thing ive noticed is yeah less hair falling out either that or its the super shaved head ;)

still aint decided on the look frankly but I may stick to a shaved look its just annoying stubble comes thru and it only happens after a week or 2 cos that highlights the baldness more, may just have to shave each 2 weeks lol


RP3X said:
yeap I just went number 0, clipper style and shaved off my head.

Started fresh with that shave on the big old 3 at age 30, but I too can see using minoxidil foam is dead easy and quick... just becomes routine and normal, after a months use I can see little regrowth on the left front side, but one thing ive noticed is yeah less hair falling out either that or its the super shaved head ;)

still aint decided on the look frankly but I may stick to a shaved look its just annoying stubble comes thru and it only happens after a week or 2 cos that highlights the baldness more, may just have to shave each 2 weeks lol
Does your face seem fatter?


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nah aint seen my face go any fatter tbh but am a slim build myself....

1 month + on and I think i see some results but not 100% sure since I use to grow out my hair and style in such a way it hid most of my frontal balding !