Rogaine $10 off next purchase coupon


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I bought a three pack of Rogaine solution, but there was no such coupon inside. I used this coupon twice before when I purchases the single packs and they had them inside.

Does the new foam have such coupons?


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$10 Off Cupon

I purchased two single containers, each had a $10 off cupon for the next purchase of a 3 pack. Note Walgreens had the single pack on sale this week for $19.95, I was able to use my old cupon from Regular Rogaine, it was for $10 off, so my cost was $9.95.
Looks like they are getting frugal with their cupons.


New Member
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I went to and got a $15 off coupon for a 3 pack....
gotta watch the sales and see when they put them on sale then use the coupon....U can get a pretty good deal if you work it right!