Reznik's Story - (Advice Needed: Hair Falling out in clumps)


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Hello fellow sufferers!
I'm a male (obviously), 33 years old, 6'4", 170lbs.
Noticed some hair thinning at a fairly young age (17-18), but it seemed to stay steady till I hit 26 or 27.
As soon as my hair loss became visible, I started using Rogaine 5% (on and off and almost never twice a day). Hair loss seemed to stop for a little bit.
I grew my hair longer to cover up for the lost density, but eventually decided to do a hair transplant in June of 2009.
Medical Hair Restoration and Dr. Mayer took care of that procedure (1200FU total). The results? Frankly I did not see any. In fact I seemed to have suffered some shock loss and in December of 2009 started taking Finasteride 1.25mg and made sure I use Rogaine as prescribed (twice daily).

For a little while it seemed to help, but around September 2010 I noticed hair falling out in huge amounts. I'd take a shower and the bathtub would be FULL of nice, thick hairs. Right after the shower I'd brush my hair and the sink would have up to 30-40 hairs there as well.

I discontinued Finasteride, since I started noticing some sexual side-effects and frankly, what's the point of poisoning yourself with it, if your hair isn't growing and in fact falls out.

I kept on using Rogaine and funny enough it seemed as if the amount of hair falling out was dramatically more if I USED Rogaine the night before than if I did not.

I also noticed that if I wash my hair not once, but twice a day (thinking it all may have something to do with my scalp being too dry) and use a shampoo without SLS the shedding seems to subside (but doesn't go away).

Could Rogaine cause such a reaction? Has anyone had a similar experience?

Thank you so much for your responses in advance!

P.S. I have had bloodwork done (to see if my thyroid function could be to blame for shedding of my hair), but TSH levels were within norm.