Restoring My Hairline - What Is My Norwood Status And How Much Grafts Do I Need?


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first of all sorry for my bad english but im not a native speaker and really not talented when it comes to learn new languages. however i hope its enough to make my point understandable.

im in my end tweenties and im affected by receeding and miniaturization at the temple corners and the front hairline. i think im norwood 2 by now.

it very concerns and stresses me out to be quite honest.

thus i decided to get a hairtransplant

my question are:

- how much grafts do i need? good density is a must for me
- how long will this new graft survive at my front hairline? approx

here some pictures

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h ttps://
h ttps://
h ttps://

i marked the regions which i need to be filled out by new hair

thanks guys